Pandoc and Hanging Indents
Writing academic papers with Markdown and Pandoc is rather straightforward, and Pandoc does a rather bang-up job in its export - with one exception. It doesn’t create a hanging indent for references. Some citation styles require a hanging indent. Its possible to go ahead and export the Markdown to .docx, open that output in Word, and reformat the reference section. I could, but I won’t. For one reason, I don’t have Office on my Linux machines (my OS of choice). »
Batch Convert Files with Pandoc
Many times, when I use Markdown, I work on one file. Once I’m done with it, I convert it to another format, such as a docx or html file. Occasionally, I have to create a small batch of files and convert them. Once I’m in a writing mode, I prefer to “stay in the flow” and write. Conversion can be performed later. I use Pandoc to convert files and it’s possible convert the lot in one shot. »